Theresa replied to the topic Patent on existing product in the forum Patents 6 years, 6 months ago
Every case depends on the details but IMO there are certainly some things you can and can’t do. Others may have different views.
I think the short answer to your question would be no if someone has something they make and I’ll assume are selling you wouldn’t be able to patent their creation. For you their creation would be seen in the eyes of th…[Read more]
Theresa replied to the topic Advice on developing idea with no experience in the field in the forum Developing Ideas 6 years, 6 months ago
My thoughts are:
1. If there is a genuine need for this in the home, then what is fulfilling the need now? How is it being done? Is someone really going to be willing to pay to have this role or function fulfilled. Maybe it’s time to do some market research. Reach out to a load of your facebook friends and ask them if they’ve ever needed xyz – or…[Read more] -
Theresa changed their profile picture 6 years, 6 months ago
Theresa replied to the topic Is it worth it getting a patent? in the forum Patents 6 years, 6 months ago
The short answer is yes or no. The longer answer is that it depends. IF the patent is well written then it is hard for someone to get around it. However, some patent agents or attorneys do not care about the business side of things, at least not yours. They can get a patent by writing very narrow claims and the patent will issue, but it can be…[Read more]
Theresa became a registered member 6 years, 6 months ago