Tom Kirk replied to the topic What do you think about approaching multiple companies for licensing? in the forum Marketing your invention 6 years, 6 months ago
I completely agree with Danny. Other than what he said, I recommend signing up for a coaching program on how to license your idea. I’ve heard of the Steven Keys program but I’ve personally never tried it. Maybe you can look it up and see if it suits you.
Tom Kirk replied to the topic Company asks for prototype, need advice in the forum Marketing your invention 6 years, 6 months ago
Hi Jack,
You are on the right track. Six months ago I was in the same situation. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.They wanted to see my prototype after reviewing it by e-mail. After signing an agreement I mailed it. Within six months I have signed two license agreements with the same company. Now they are welcoming more ideas from…[Read more]
Tom Kirk replied to the topic Is it worth it getting a patent? in the forum Patents 6 years, 6 months ago
There are definitely pluses when it comes to patents, but the bottom line is a patent is just worth the amount of money you have to defend it. I’ve heard of a lot of horror stories in the past where car companies would copy patents and then fight the poor guy that did the actual design.
Tom Kirk replied to the topic Am I being scammed? in the forum Invention scams 6 years, 6 months ago
Something similar happened to me not so long ago, and it was indeed a scam. Fortunately I also figured something was wrong when they started asking for so much money.
Tom Kirk became a registered member 6 years, 6 months ago