Most independent Inventors are confused about revealing their inventions to potential manufacturers or third party partners without the risk of such people stealing their inventions. Luckily there are several Patent Application agents that offer legal services to inventors who want to follow the authorized procedures when disclosing their inventions.
Few inventors will rely on trust especially when disclosing their new inventions, but with a credible agency, there is no need to worry about such issues. New Inventors also need to be aware of the recent patent law revisions that state that, any public sale or disclosure prior to filing a patent application will seriously reduce your chances of getting approval for patent application. Apart from the revisions in Patent rules, new Inventors should be aware of some Patent basics.
Patent Application can be referred to as a “Patent pending” at a Patent office for the purpose of acquiring a patent for a genuine invention that has been described and claimed by the Applicant. The application for a Patent is supported by application forms as well as Patent specification {a description of the invention}.
The application for a patent is usually supported by some correspondence that relate closely to the Invention. In order to receive a grant of patent on an original invention, the applicant must file an application at a regional Patent office and the office examines all supporting documents before granting a patent in a specified Geographical region.
Patent Prosecution is normally one of the procedures for Patent application and it is the process of arguing or negotiating and interacting with the patent office before the patent is granted. Patent Defense is quite different from Patent prosecution; Patent defense involves some legal proceedings on any third party claiming infringement on a patented invention.
There are different types of Patent application and depending on the office where your application is filed; you may get a National, Regional or International Patent. There are also four different types of applications for patent, these are;
• Standard Application,
•Provisional application,
•Continuation application, and
• Divisional application.
A Standard Application can be described as a type of Patent application that normally involves all the necessary parts of the application; these parts include claims and written descriptions of the Invention. All the necessary parts of this application are needed before a Patent can be granted. An applicant for this type of patent may or may not be successful; it all depends on findings from preliminary observations or examinations by the Patent office. A standard application for patent is also referred to as the “Non Provisional application”.
Provisional patent Application is a type of application that can be filed at any patent office, it allows the applicant place an application on file, and obtain a filing date. Provisional application for patent is often less time consuming than Standard applications because some of the complexities in standard applications can be avoid here. The disclosure for provisional application for patient is normally within 1 year and it can be incorporated into a standard application. You need to renew a provisional application for patent because it expires normally after 1 year.
Continuation Patent Application is an application that can be filed as a continuation of a previously filed application. This type of application is quite convenient especially if you want include more materials when the priority year has expired. This type of application can be a refinement of your previous application for patent; therefore it can be a continuation patent, or a continuation-in-part patent application.
Divisional Patent application is a type of application that has been divided from a previous application. This application simply is made when a component of an invention needs to be patented separately by the inventor. A divisional application can only be filed on a single subject matter that has been separated from its parent invention. Though a subject matter may be awarded a divisional patent, it will still retain the filing and priority date of the Patented Parent. Divisional patent is the most suitable for individuals who make new inventions out of a single primary invention.
Depending on the type of Patent application you filed, you might get a Regional, National or International Patent grant. The Regional grant gives you a patent over an invention within your locality or region, this simply means, your patent right confines your invention within the specified area. The National Patent right gives you the right to own your invention all over your country while the International Patent right gives you the right to own your invention all over the world {or in some other countries specified}.
The best possible way to simplify your Patent application procedure is to get the services of a Patent Attorney and this is why Inventnet is right there to help you protect your Interest. You can quickly locate an Attorney on our website- by searching our Patent Attorney directory. We have helped thousands of other inventors like you, let Us help you too!
Basics of Patent Application
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I just finish my first Patent Application using a patent agent and it cost me $4,000. I think is worth it.
For simpler inventions I will file a provisional patent application first and start contacting companies to license the invention. There is a possibility that the interested companies will pay for patents and prototypes.