Veronica replied to the topic marketing companies in the forum Marketing your invention 5 years, 11 months ago
A message to everyone.
Please do your homework when it comes to market research. There is a HUGE difference in market research and these invention marketing companies you see on t.v.
I suggest having an invention evaluation done as a simple, inexpensive first step, preferably using the PIES-XII Preliminary Innovation Evaluation System. The…[Read more]
Veronica replied to the topic Provisional Patent in the forum Patents 5 years, 12 months ago
You have to file a provisional patent before filing for a utility patent, as I think I remeber that correctly. When you do file for your utility patent you have a time limit to file for the international. Imternationals are time dependant on how much you want to spend and for how long you need or want it. I didn’t get it because it was thousands f…[Read more]
Veronica replied to the topic idea generation in the forum Developing Ideas 6 years ago
Julian, Yes most inventors look for a problem to solve, but your right in that most needs are already met and many new mass market inventions address a want rather than a need. Louis Foreman points this out in many of his public speeches geared toward inventors so maybe he can chime in and better speak to this. Thanks for bringing this up as I…[Read more]
Veronica replied to the topic IF I SKIP A PATENT CAN I STILL SELL in the forum Patents 6 years ago
Hi.From what I understand, you can protect yourself for a year with a provisional patent application, which is pretty inexpensive (like a hundred bucks). That way you can list it as “patent pending” while you gather the necessary resources to get a patent. Good luck!
Veronica replied to the topic Ways to Protect my Idea in the forum Invention scams 6 years, 2 months ago
Julian explained it really well, I just want to add one more thing known as Industrial design. An industrial design can be a shape, configuration, pattern, ornament or any combination of these features. You can also register your industrial design with your government organization.
Veronica changed their profile picture 6 years, 2 months ago
Veronica replied to the topic Fees for provisional patent application in the forum Patents 6 years, 3 months ago
Thanks, I understand it now. But what is the difference between micro and small entity?
Veronica started the topic Fees for provisional patent application in the forum Patents 6 years, 3 months ago
Hi, I am going to apply for a provisional patent application for one of my machines. I am little confused what would be it fees. Actually, the problem is I can’t differentiate between a micro entity and a small entity. It would be nice if anyone can explain this to me. Thanks.
Veronica started the topic the right way to avoid scam to market your invention in the forum Invention scams 6 years, 3 months ago
Hi, everyone. Can anyone please tell me the right way to avoid scam for marketing my invention? There are so many patent market companies’ scams that are making news each day. People fell into their traps even knowing it could be a trap. I want to avoid this situation because I am going to search for these companies soon to market mine invention.…[Read more]
Veronica replied to the topic What to do if you are being scammed? in the forum Invention scams 6 years, 3 months ago
Yes, as explained by Maia, it is best to first search the invention promoter on the USPTO website for complaints to not get scammed ahead.
Veronica started the topic What do you think about approaching multiple companies for licensing? in the forum Marketing your invention 6 years, 4 months ago
Hello everyone,
I was reading some articles the other day about licensing and I realised everywhere I looked, they were talking about going to one company only when trying to license, and if that one doesn’t want to, go to the next and so on.
I’m curious to hear your opinions on this. Do you think it’s a good idea to approach more companies at…[Read more]
Veronica changed their profile picture 6 years, 4 months ago
Veronica replied to the topic Is it worth it getting a patent? in the forum Patents 6 years, 4 months ago
That is also my general feeling towards patents.
However, I would say it depends on the scale of the sector that the patent falls into. How well developed is the market? Is the patent easy to circumvent? Are there already similar patents that yours is essentially just one of the bypasses of?
It seems one of the best identifiers is how much…[Read more]
Veronica became a registered member 6 years, 4 months ago